Sunday, March 21, 2010

So, I've been really busy...

University is a lot more time consuming than I was anticipating.

I won't bore you with the details, but in my first full on week of uni, there was SO much due. All together, it would have taken around 25+ hours out of the 3 days I could do it... This week is much better though. I have nothing due! Although, my first assignment is due the week after.

In short, between uni, part time work, and homework, I just have very little time to blog or do much else I enjoy.

Random tidbit: The last two nights, I have probably spent around 14-18 hours on google sketchup. It was very frustrated. At least I am getting somewhere now. Somehow, I've also fit in 12 hours of part time work... Gee, figure that one out!

This was a very hastily written blog, in case you noticed,

The Rational Paradox.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Week 1 over...

And thank goodness! It was a rough week...

Already I have so much homework plus a bunch of assignments. Here's a list...

- Draw 36 abstract sketches of possible sections
- Draw 2 sections of your favourite stair
- Nominate a section, and create it in Google Sketch Up
+ Experiment 1 (Assignment)

History & Theory:
- Read a 14 page essay
- Resource 6 images relating to the essay
+ Sketchbook Assignment

- 50 Pages of reading
+ Home Audit Assignment

Enabling Skills:
- Photoshop Exercise
- In Design Exercise
- A3 Poster of Opera House
- 100 Pages of reading
+ A2 Poster on Opera House (Visual Assignment)

Currently, I only really enjoying Studio because I am liking the sketching and the workload seems fair, but I can see myself liking Environment too. I reckon I'll like Enabling Skills too, but the workload is far too heavy, far too early. All of that is due next week...

Oh well. I'm complaining. I just have to get in the mind set again. It's all manageable... I think...

On a different note, I have been incredibly lucky to meet some really nice people, so making friends is coming along nicely. Already, I have a few studio buddies I hang out with a bit. We actually went to the Opera House today to do some sketching and to take some photos. It was a lot of fun. I've also met some really awesome people in a few of the other lectures and tutes too.

So far, I am liking or I can see myself liking everything except the travelling.

Thank God it's Thursday,

The Rational Paradox.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Hey anyone.

I'm a bit bored at the moment. I've finished all my week one uni homework and have nothing to do... I had a great weekend though.

As you know, Saturday was my first day at work, which was great, but I had a good night as well. It was one of my good friends 18th birthday party. I got to catch up with a few of my school chums as well as dance the night away with a nice drink (or two) in my hand. It was a great night.

This obviously led to a substantial sleep in...

I spent the rest of today just finishing the rest of my History & Theory homework. I thought it was going to be boring, but really, it was quite interesting. I had to read an essay on the changing concept of proportion. It was an essay on how attitudes towards proportion in the arts have changed over time and how there are many different beliefs about it, more namely whether differing perspectives towards proportion can be explained with mathematics and ratios or whether it is just a matter of subjectivity.

I have nothing planned for today though. Maybe I'll go over my notes again, but other than that, nothing is set in stone.

All is well,

The Rational Paradox.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

First Day Done!

I had my first day at work today.

It was great, to be honest.

I got there, and it was a little busy, so I felt like a wet blanket waiting to be directed what to do, because there are only ever two people on at a time. After this though, my employer started teaching me the basics like operating the till and whatnot, which was easy to pick up. I got to interact with quite a few people as well; there was a fair bit of business. One woman got 396 images printed!!!

My boss is really nice. He's quite soft spoken and reserved, which while it may contrast my personality, is a really great dynamic to be around.

At the moment, I'll get to work every Saturday until I am fully trained up, and then eventually, I will get to do Saturday on my own as well as almost a full day Sunday.

Another thing I found great was that fact that you run into so many people you know! I managed to bump into five of my friends, three parents of friends and two teachers! I suppose that's to be expected being in a busy part of the shopping centre.

I really had a great day,

The Rational Paradox.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I start my new job tomorrow! I am pretty excited.

My employer hasn't really told me much about the job other than what I asked in the interview, but tomorrow all the questions I have about pay and hours should be cleared up.

By the way, I'll be working at one of those 'One-Hour Photo' places. They do digital, film and merchandise. The owner actually said in the interview that the job may involve a lot of "standing around and doing nothing" so it shouldn't be particularly hard. I have to learn how the digital machines work though, as well as a bit of photoshop.

Wish me luck,

The Rational Paradox.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Day Features.

Yes, today was my very first day at University... It was pretty intense, but not for the reasons I imagined.

My father decided it would be nice to drive me to my first day of university... Boy, was that a mistake! Normally, it would take around an hour and a half to get to the city from Western Sydney, but traffic and bad luck were really against us. It took two and a half hours... My heart sank when I realised I wouldn't be there on time... Not all was lost though, as I was only half an hour late. I missed all the introductions, but that can be made up easily over time.

For those of you who don't know, I am studying Architecture. This involves four core classes for the first semester. The uni only does lectures during the first week however, so my timetable for today was literally halved - only four hours of classes [with a three hour break in between].

My first lecture was History and Theory and boy was the content dry. Since I was late, it was hard to place some of the stuff the lecturer was saying, but I wrote a ton of notes. Hopefully, I'll be able to consolidate everything by next week.

I spent my three hour break roaming the surrounding suburbs in search of some good food. This was not a success so I settled for McDonald's and a Gloria Jeans Chai Latte. After coming back to the campus, I managed to bump into one of my high school friends which was nice, especially since only two other people from my high school are attending this particular university. We caught up for a little less than an hour, which was great. I then spent an hour in the library going through the notes and handouts from the first lecture. It was only 3 typed pages, so not bad. There are a lot of terms I need to research a bit more though, because the lecturer went through everything so fast...

After that, the second lecture started and I enjoyed it so much more than the first. Design Studio 1 is the main unit of study and I can definitely tell why. Everything that was discussed was just so interesting, even the assignments. A compulsory part of the unit is to start an online blog! Can you believe that!? Also, I can use my iPhone to do sketches! I can't wait!

At the end of the day though, I only have to set up the blog and read an essay by next week. It was an easy but different day.

And so ends week one,

The Rational Paradox.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An Eccentric Side?

Yes. I have one.

At the moment, the most eccentric thing I'm doing is trying to stay awake for 30+ hours just so I can be well rested for my first day of University. It probably sounds silly, but really, it's necessary.
For years, whenever I haven't been in school, my sleeping patterns completely reverse. I wake up around 3 p.m. and go to bed after the sun rises. It's really bad, I know, but I just can't help it. I'm a night person.

If I can just stay up for another 11 hours, I'll be fine. I'll wake up around 2 a.m. and have four hours to get ready (haha), but at least I would be awake and well rested for my first day.

My first day is really relaxed class wise. I only have 4 hours. Plus, I get a three hour break between the two classes. It's also my only day for week one. Week two is much more hectic though. 19 hours of classes in 3 consecutive days, with only two breaks. It might be bearable if the classes were evenly distributed, but I only have three hours on Thursday. If you're good at maths, you'll realise what that means for Tuesday and Wednesday. It'll be that way for the rest of the semester too.

I'm getting ahead of myself though. I think it'll be fine. I'm doing what I've always wanted to do, after all.

Wish me luck for tomorrow,

The Rational Paradox.